Paediatric Research Across the Midlands (PRAM)

Paediatric Research Across the Midlands (PRAM) is a trainee-led collaborative, set up in 2016. We are an enthusiastic group of trainees who want to lead and support high-quality projects, whether quality improvement, service evaluation or research to improve paediatric care and trainee experience by involving paediatric and neonatal teams across the region. We also aim to give trainees the experience and knowledge required to enable them to provide evidence of audit/ QIP/ governance involvement in a more meaningful way.
We have links with the trainee groups in Wales and South West and have completed a range of projects, leading to publication and changes in practice (see website for further information).
If you would like to know more and get involved then you can email us at pramnetwork1@gmail.com or visit our website at www.pramnetwork.com – we would love to hear from you! Follow us on twitter at @PramNetwork